Friday, July 18, 2008


Sorry ppls, I don't think we can make it this August for our reunion (busy berabis ku). Probably after Raya? or shall we make it Beraya with 8th Intake? (just a thought). Anyway, do comments and any suggestions are very much appreciated. TIA.


These were taken on the 13th July 2008, while attending the Cardiology Conference by the Gleneagles. I know I didn't really "enjoy" the conference but 1 thing for sure I do love the reunion / camwhoring with the girls esp Kay Bee Girls. Really miss u gals or should I say women? Kekeke... If you have more pics of the day, please do email the admins.

(click to enlarge)


Ppls, enjoy the pics. Thanks to her0_guitar for the lovely pics, really appreciate man. Keep on sending our pics. Comments are most welcome.

Classic. Baru ia dnamakan muda belia.

Jef, please do comment on this.

This is what I called priceless. Sama Mr Pasu lagi.